August 6, 2018
man raising his hand on the mountain

I’ve always loved the old hymn, “There’s Power in the Blood”, but never has its words been more real than when I visited the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida several years ago.

As I walked through the life of Christ exhibit, the one that really caught my attention was the crucifixion. I’ve seen these type of exhibits before, but this one was exceptionally different. It looked so real and as Jesus hung on the cross, it showed how his blood flowed freely and it NEVER STOPPED FLOWING DOWN! It flowed continuously until it flooded everything around it. There was a spirit of reverence that set in deep inside my heart. As I pondered over this awesome, amazing love that Jesus had for me alone, I was moved to tears at how he could do this for me! I wanted to do nothing more than to kneel down, lie prostate on the ground before him and bathe his nail scarred feet with my tears! Oh such furious love!!! I went away that day with the realization of all that the blood of Jesus covers. If I had from here to eternity, to record all that this precious blood does, there could never be enough words to describe it in its entirety.

Sometimes, we fail to realize all that the blood implies. As each nail was driven deep into the very flesh of God’s own son, Jesus cried out, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do!” There is resurrection power in the blood! Everything that comes into contact with it is made alive again! Nothing dead can remain, once touched by this blood. This blood runs deep, flows full and free and covers everything in its path and never stops! There is plenty for everyone to jump in and cleanse away anything and everything that needs cleansed.

God, in his tender mercies and compassion, knew this was the only way that he could make a way for us to enter in to everything that he has made available to us.

In this precious blood, there is forgiveness of sins and cleansing, healing of all diseases, salvation to enter in to his very presence and come boldly before his throne, making our requests known to him. There is provision in our lack, restoration to all that the enemy has stolen, freedom from sin, worry, sorrow, depression, thoughts of suicide, and fear. There is joy unspeakable and full of glory! And even more, if that is not enough, we have the assurance of walking the golden streets with him for all of eternity.

What he did on Calvary was for you today. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let him wash you in his powerful, precious blood today. Everything that concerns you will be made whole by just one drop of his precious, powerful, and holy blood!

Whatever you are going through today, reach out for his nail-scarred hand. It’s through these very holes in his hands and feet that you will be consumed by the dazzling brilliance of his glory, You will see your reflection in them as you realize that he sees only you, the one he died for.
Soar high beautiful friend, as you know the vast, limitless love of Almighty God!!!

I love you guys!


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