November 10, 2018
man kneeling down doing some worship

I truly believe the purest form of worship is unplanned worship, when the words come naturally and the tears flow freely. When we worship God in our darkest moments, even when nothing around us is okay, it’s that SACRIFICE of praise that sends Him a loud message that really grabs His attention. When we put our trust in Him and fully love, adore, and worship Him, just for Who He is, that’s when He moves on our behalf.

When you can bow down to worship Him, even at the lowest point of your life; when that loved one dies, the medical report isn’t good, your spouse walks out on you, your rebellious teen shakes his fist at you, the money isn’t there………
When all is lost and you have nothing to be thankful for; you have nothing to lose and you surely have nothing to give…….EXCEPT A BROKEN HALLELUJAH!

God sees that tired hand reaching up to Him. He sees those tears rolling down your cheeks, and dripping off of your face; those tears that won’t stop coming, no matter how hard you try to hold them back.

God not only sees your tears, but He is holding them all in a bottle. He is aware of every tear that you have ever shed. He knows you so well that He has even numbered every hair on your head. He knows that you love Him and that you are putting your full trust in Him, when your world is falling apart. He is right there at that very moment to lift you up out of your pit of despair and break the shackles off of you that are trying to hold you back from fully worshipping Him and receiving all that He has for you.

It’s at that moment, when you can give a shout of praise in the weakest, shakiest voice, when you least feel like it, EVEN IN THIS, that God ushers you directly into the Holy of Holies; into the very presence of God. His Glory falls and you know that you are not alone. All is well. You have the Armies of heaven fighting on your behalf.

If you can keep the word of God in your mouth, a song of praise on your lips, and a heart full of worship, you will see the Victory, no matter what you are going through. Your most heartfelt prayers and your praise move the hand of Almighty God. You only have to be still and wait on the deliverance of the Lord. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Your victory is in sight!!!!

Keep praising, and worshipping right smack in the middle of your Midnight Hour, because God inhabits the praises of His people and He stands ready to deliver you! I can hear the chains falling off right now!!!!!!


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