May 18, 2021
catholic belen

Day One


Mary let out a deep sigh as the blazing sun beat down upon her brow. With sweat pouring off her drenched face, she felt the sting from the heat wrap around her like a blanket on a hot day. Her swollen feet were as parched as her lips. It seems as though they had traveled for days and days. Mile after mile they had made their way along the dusty, dirt roads, around mountain passes and rugged terrain, riding on the back of a donkey. This was not quite the honeymoon she had in mind a short time ago. With no shelter from the hot sun or the cold windy nights, she wondered, would they ever reach Bethlehem? With every bump, her huge nine-month belly shook, and the stabbing pains were starting to become unbearable.

If only they could reach their destination soon, Mary thought. She couldn’t wait to freshen up at the Inn and get some much needed rest. She knew it wouldn’t be much longer until her precious baby boy would be born. As tired as she was, she was filled with anticipation at the miracle that was taking place.

Mary thought back to a short time ago when she was ecstatic to be betrothed to her beloved, handsome Joseph. He was a godly man and so very gentle. She had her eyes on him from the start. My, how things had suddenly changed since the night the Angel first appeared to her, telling her that her virgin womb would bring forth the Messiah, the Son of God. He would be the long-awaited answer to so many prayers for generations. His name would be Jesus. But, it was never easy from the start. So many questions bombarded her mind, and not only her mind, but her family, her friends and mostly Joseph. But Mary kept all the words the Angel had spoken to her that night, and pondered them in her heart. She knew her God had a plan that would enfold in His own time.

Now, no matter what she remembered from the past, nothing could deny that this was a full-fledged miracle of God, with every kick that she felt, knowing the heartbeat inside of her was the precious Son of the Living God.

“But why, God? Why would you bring your Son into the world under these dire conditions? Why these dusty roads? Why like this?” As difficult as it was, Mary had a heart for God and was obedient to his leading. Sometimes, you must just go on and trust him when nothing else makes sense, she thought. There was no glamour in any of this; no glitz! But they were chosen by God, handpicked for such a time as this.

At Bethlehem’s entrance, the pains grew more intense and became unbearable with each step. Joseph, frantic to find help for his wife, found help from no one. There was no room in the inn, but as a last resort, the innkeeper pointed them to a stable with livestock. At least it was quiet and out of the way of all the noise of the busy hub bub of the town.

With one last push, Mary, the young mother of the Savior of the world gave birth to Jesus, the long awaited Messiah, who was born on that most holy of nights to save his people from their sins. There in that dingy, dirty, smelly stable full of barn yard animals, after giving birth, Mary laid Jesus in a manger, a barn yard trough, that cradled him, along with some hay that the animals were sharing. The brightest star stopped overhead. It’s brilliance attracted people near and far, to come see the miracle that had just taken place. The world would never be the same!

Luke 2: 8-14

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the Angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you; You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the Angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

Isaiah 9:2 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.

This holy child, Jesus, the Son of God, was born in a dirty, messy stable surrounded by barn yard animals. This leads us to ponder, Why would God allow his own son to come into the world like this? There was no royalty in this; no glory, no majesty fit for a king, the holy Son of God. Instead, Jesus was brought into the world in this humble, lowly estate to lower himself down to man’s level so that we might recognize him as one of us. God allowed his very own son whom he loved so much to be brought down lower than the angels, so that in due time, we would be lifted up, that we might have the abundant life that only he could give us.

This is where it all began, the part where God tells us to Fear Not! Do not be afraid, just like he told the shepherds that were moved by fear on that most Holy of nights! And yes, Jesus humbled himself so that when we are in the pit of despair, he is not afraid to come down to our lowest place of darkest gloom, and even get in the pig pen with us for a time, to lift us back up. He’s not afraid to get dirty. He came to reach His people in their lowest estate. He came to wipe our tears away and set us free of fear and all bondage that is holding us back from all that he came to give us.

As I reflect on the miracle of Jesus’ birth, I am also humbled that God looked on my lowly estate and loved me so much that he sent a part of himself, his very own Son, Jesus, to be born to ransom me from death and hell. He was born to save me from my sins and to make a way for me to spend eternity with him. He was born into a world from the very start that had no room for him. He suffered many of the same day to day struggles much like you and I, with one of them being rejection. Can’t you just see the Wise Men following that star to where the baby could be found? They were looking for a great king, but they were led to a humble stable, only to find a baby, sleeping peacefully on a bed of hay. I will spend every moment of my life making room in my heart for him.

Do you have room in your heart for him today? Will you give him a chance and let him in to pick up all the broken pieces of your life? He won’t judge you. He is waiting to give you a fresh start. Just like the shepherds, you may be afraid also. He is saying to you in his gentlest voice, “Do not be afraid. There is news of great joy for you also!”

Isaiah 60: 1

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.”


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