May 16, 2021
both hand with bible underneath it

Knowing Jesus Intimately 


Five Day Study

There is no doubt that we are living in unsettling times. Fear and panic have become widespread at an alarming rate over the past year, with the talk of Covid-19 being the central topic of most of our conversations. This has compelled me to embark on a journey of my own by tapping into the peace that only God can give us when everything around us is changing rapidly from day to day. It is a comforting assurance to know the Prince of Peace and I want to encourage others to do the same. That’s why I have written this five day study on “Knowing Jesus Intimately.” Only then will we find true peace, unlike the peace the world offers.

People are searching for answers to all the questions that have been plaguing so many of us these days. Speaking of the word, plague, this is a topic Jesus was familiar with when he healed people of Leprosy and many other maladies of his day. He healed the ten lepers and only one of them returned to thank him.

There has been one word that has prevailed through these past several months and that word is fear. Fear has crippled society and stopped many of us in our tracks. While we should be diligent in taking the proper precautions deemed necessary, in no way should we be consumed by fear. The Bible clearly tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. The words “Fear Not” have been reiterated repeatedly throughout the Bible. We must not allow fear to dominate our lives but be controlled by the Holy Spirit and the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. I get the feeling that God was really trying to get through to his kids that he is in total control. He has not given up his throne for a single second. We have nothing to fear if we put our full trust in him. Faith and fear cannot operate together. You either have one or the other. Fear has no place in the child of God.

In every season of Jesus’ life and ministry, there is a powerful lesson to learn and to apply to our own lives. I can think of no better topic to write about in these changing times. Getting a closer glimpse at Jesus, the one who holds our lives in his hands will bring clarity and peace to the child of God as we lean in and get a closer look at the heart of the Father for his children. It is only then that we will find true peace, the kind of peace that we so earnestly crave for a richer life. No matter what life looks like for you today, He is your peace that passes all understanding. This is a five day study to “KNOWING JESUS INTIMATELY.” I hope you will join me in this quest for real peace.

Come with me to Day One of Humble Beginnings to the humble stable where the King of Glory was born. See for yourself how he came into the world to serve and save the lost and to bring hope to a fearful and dying world.

Come with me to Day Two of Jesus, Friend of Sinners. Watch how Jesus could zero in on that one in a crowd, looking deep into their eyes, bringing them to their knees, knowing he was the only one who could give them the one thing they needed, forgiveness.

Come along with me to Day Three, Jesus, Man of Miracles, and see the compassion of Jesus when he wept at the death of his beloved friend, Lazarus, just before raising him back to life, and how he healed the sick, fed the multitudes and loved the unlovely.

Come with me to Day Four, Jesus, Lover of My Soul, and you will soon realize the love Jesus has for you. His is a love that whispers into the deepest crevices of your heart and beckons you to come and sit at his feet and drink from the well of his love that will never run dry. Come to that quiet place where he will refresh your soul and lift you out of the pit of despair. Watch how he loves the children and takes them in his arms and how he honors women and their incredible worth.

And lastly, come with me to Day Five, Jesus, Giver of Eternal Life. It is here where you will find renewed hope. Come along quiet streams as he replenishes you back to wholeness. You will see that broken things can become beautiful in the midst of the ash heap of your weary soul. All fear will fall aside when you grasp the miracle of the cross and the power it contains to give you the abundant life that is such a part of the redemption story; the power of the cross. Joy will bubble up inside of you like never before, and new freedom will be yours forever. I can hear the chains falling now. Life will take on new meaning for you as your walk in total peace.

My hope for you is that you will come away refreshed. This same God who rides on the wings of the wind and flung the stars into space is still the same God who cures diseases and rose from the grave. No matter what you are facing in life, Jesus is the Cure!


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