September 28, 2019
four people holding each other side

Life can get to be overwhelming sometimes. No matter where I go, or who I talk to, someone is fighting some kind of battle these days. It’s easy to think that we are the only one going through a difficult time, but the truth of the matter is that no one is immune to problems in this life. From a distance, it may look like that friend or neighbor has it all together and that their life is perfect, when your own life has taken a turn for the worse and you don’t know if you will come through this trial or not. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

Usually, during these times when we get our eyes off of Jesus and start looking around and comparing our own lives to others, we can start to withdraw and start to feel alone. I truly believe isolation is a tool of the enemy. If he can get you to feel alone and that no one cares or understands, he has you right where he wants you. This is when you need to dig into the word of God all the more and learn how to put on God’s strength as a garment and put on the full armor of God.

If you find yourself in this place, it’s important to recognize that you are not alone. Reach out to others. Surround yourself with the love of family and friends and help someone else who is going through a difficult time also. One thing I have observed is that the people who become hateful and hard to live with need loved all the more. Let’s face it! This can be a cold and cruel world. People are used to seeing angry people every day; angry drivers, rude sales clerks, grumpy husbands, downright mean teenagers; And no, our families are not immune to difficult times either. These are the times that we need to put on love and go the extra mile. Smile at that angry waitress, hug our husband, say an encouraging word to our neighbor, or put a note in our teenager’s backpack, telling them how special they are!

When you decide to not allow your own feelings to dictate your actions, your life will take a turn for the better. People are hurting these days and God has called you to be that one to pour his healing balm of Gilead into their deepest wounds. He will use you to bless that one person today if you will let him. Go ahead and pay it forward and just watch how God will work in your own life. He promises to work all things together for your good. Jesus said that in this world we would have problems, but I love the last part of what He said, “But cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” No matter what you are going through, you will come through this! Your circumstances may be telling you that it is hopeless, but never forget, that GOD IS STILL GOD!

Love is our greatest weapon in fighting anything that we will ever face in this life!

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


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