June 5, 2019
a beautiful road

So many people live so apathetically. They have learned to accept defeat, hard times, failures, past sins, and disappointments as a way of life. They trudge through life day after day with little excitement and enthusiasm that life can be anything but enjoyable. They have succumbed to the thought that their life will stay dull and boring.  Are you one of the millions of people that live day after day with no hope that things will ever get better? Isn’t it about time to climb up out of that pit of despair that has kept you imprisoned for so long? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to get your passion for living back? Keep reading, my friend. Your life is about to get exciting as you embark on the journey that God has had in store for you since the day your were born!!! You are a masterpiece and it’s about time that you start living like it!!! Get your smile back! Take a deep breath and breathe in all the blessings that God is pouring into your life. He is going to fill you up to the brim with joy unspeakable!

God promises in his word that he came to give you life; not just any old boring life, but a life of abundance. He calls it a “new thing.” He wants you to throw off the shackles that are holding you back from becoming all that he wants you to be. He has a wonderful plan for your life, if you will just ask him what that plan is. Too many times, people get angry with God when things don’t go the way that they had planned. What they fail to realize is that our God is a good, good God. He doesn’t cause illness or lack in any area. His greatest desire is to see his kids happy, whole, healthy and blessed in every way. He did say that in this world we would have troubles and heartaches, but he said to cheer up because he has overcome the world.

He also said to forget the past and to not dwell on the former things. Don’t get so caught up in your past failures and mistakes that you miss the wonderful future that Jesus died to give you. Dwelling on the past will keep you in bondage so that you will stay in the wilderness and never reach your own “Promised Land”, a land flowing with milk and honey.

It’s time to get your hopes up again. Remember that God is able to deliver you out of anything that you are going through. He will put your feet on solid ground and set you free to live the abundant life that is already yours. Look ahead to what God is doing in your life and remember all that he has already done. You have come a long way Baby! You may not be as far ahead as you had planned, but thank God that he has brought you safely this far! If you learn to trust in him and to let him lead you each day, you will soon start to look ahead to your future with hope and expectancy! Keep your thoughts positive and cast down every negative thought that is trying to bring you down. Discouragement is a tool of the enemy. If he can keep you discouraged, you will be too tired to see the new thing that God is doing in your life, and he is always working, no matter how slow the process seems.

It’s time for you to break out of your cocoon and become the beautiful butterfly that is inside of you, just waiting to be set free. There is a fresh new hope with the promise of every sunrise. Yes, you are becoming all that God has intended for you to be. His mercies are boundless and new every morning. Once you take hold of all that he is doing to transform your life, there is no limit to all the good things that your future holds.

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland


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