September 2, 2019
catholic artifact

I think that sometimes we get so busy throwing out our requests to God, like he is the owner of a candy shop, that it’s easy to forget that we are talking to the Almighty God, the Creator of the entire universe. One thing that we need these days is a healthy dose of the fear of God!

This morning, God’s word spoke to me once again as I was reading in Ezekiel about the exiles in Babylon. God’s judgement was heavy when he punished Israel for their deplorable sins and wickedness. They were worshiping false gods and idols. There was every form of sexual sin, and abomination, blatantly flaunted at God, as they shook their fists at Him, in mockery. Despite God sending his prophets to warn them time and time again, they were headstrong and bent on fulfilling their own evil lusts and desires, and they would not hearken to God’s warnings. He kept giving them chance after chance to make amends, but to no avail.

One thing I know about my God, He is true to his word and He is not a man that He should lie. He sent heavy punishment on the exiles in Babylon. His mighty arm was stretched out against them. One phrase that I see reiterated throughout the bible that God says to His people, “Then they will know that I am the Lord.”

Contemplating all of this, I wonder today, if we are any different than the exiles in Jerusalem. We are all guilty at times of idols in our life. They might not resemble the statues that the Israelites worshiped, but ours can be in different forms, like our cell phones, the internet, television and so many more. While all of these things aren’t bad in themselves, they can become idols if we put them before God.

This morning as I read my bible and prayed, God really got my attention. I felt his presence so real and tangible that I could just reach out and touch him. I knew that I was standing on “HOLY GROUND.” It stopped me dead in my tracks and made me want to bow down in worship to him and offer up my praise in the highest form. There are not enough words to describe the magnificence of my God. He’s not asking for material gifts. He wants my heart. He wants to be first place in everything I do.

All of his thoughts are good about me. I know that he loves me so much that he was willing to die in my place and shed his own blood to make retribution for my sins so that I could come into that place of complete communion with him. Without it, there is no other way. It’s a choice that only you can make for yourself, but once you do, you are covered by His blood, and have all the access to come boldly before Him and make your requests known. What an awesome promise!

Yes, He is a mighty God, the King of the entire universe. We are standing on Holy Ground, and as powerful as He is, He is equally loving. No one can fathom His love. It’s limitless. He has removed our sins as far as the east is to the west. Now, we have access to His mighty power. He is on our side and no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

Now, I am not only standing on Holy Ground. I am kneeling on Holy Ground in awe and thanks to the mighty God of the entire universe, my heavenly Father, Who not only gives me victory in this life, but in the next!

Exodus 3:5

Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”


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